Four conservation stories that are intertwined by the experiences of their authors.
A documentary feature film that revolves around the experience of 20 young people from the rural parishes of Palmar, Colonche, Dos Mangas and Manglaralto in the province of Santa Elena on the coast of Ecuador, who ventured, through a documentary film, to delve into the environmental problems of their respective communities, seeking local solutions for global problems, hand in hand with ancestral Guancavilcas trades, managing to understand the interaction between their ancestral heritage and climate change.


Dos Mangas
Allison Borbor, Gabriela Paola Suarez, Najelly Lainez, Rocio Tigrero, Karly Orrala, Alexander Pilay, Anderson González González, Bryan Montenegro, Gilson Orrala, Kevin Nevarez.
Gloria Gonzabay, Adriana González, Lidia Tomalá Denisse Flores López, Danny Illescas, Carlos Rosales, Harley Rodriguez, Kevin Rosales, Steven González, Julio Rodríguez.
Gabriel Páez
Isabel Rodas
Carolina Rodas
Manuel Suquilanda
Braulio González
Daniela Moreno
I am mangrove
A family of shell and crab gatherers who, generation after generation, have lived and worked alongside what is now the last remaining mangrove forest in the province in the Palmar commune. Reforesting mangroves is their way of combating their disappearance due to indiscriminate logging by shrimp farms that are gradually encroaching on the area. This problem is compounded by the heavy pollution from shrimp larva laboratories that release their toxic chemicals directly into the river that feeds the mangrove, affecting both the species that inhabit it and those who capture and consume them.

Amongst networks
It portrays the dynamics surrounding the ancestral trade of artisanal fishing in Palmar and the problem of plastic waste generated by the fishermen themselves, who are directly affected as this is one of the determining factors in the reduction of the fishing resource. In a community that relies almost exclusively on fishing, we identify and focus our attention on a local issue that is manifested globally. We appeal to the wisdom of the elders to propose possible solutions that arise from the ancestral practice of this profession
Seeding Water
Water scarcity in Dos Mangas, one of the most biodiverse areas in the region and the primary source of water for its neighboring residents in Manglaralto and several adjacent communities. Some of the causes proposed include the heavy timber exploitation and past illegal tree felling, as well as the continuous extraction of stone material from the riverbeds. The pre-Hispanic techniques presented by the elders of these communities, such as planting bamboo near the tributaries or storing water with dams, could help cope with the dry months.

Raw Material
In search of raising awareness and taking action, the COVID-19 crisis brings new challenges to a commune, Dos Mangas, which in previous years engaged in indiscriminate hunting and logging. Now, they rely almost exclusively on ecotourism and conservation through an environmental plan that has brought about a transformation not only in community practices but, above all, in the way of seeing and understanding life from the need to care for the environment. They are seeking sustainable alternatives for livelihoods, becoming a great example for the province, the country, and the world.